About Hackerville

How to teach Security Literacy?

We have developed a module based approach to teaching security literacy.  There are several levels of modules intended for different methods of inclusion into the classroom or learning environments.  These modules are designed to provide both students from technical and non-technical majors with the opportunity to formally learn about the many components of practical computer security.  The prime goal of practical computer security literacy is to provide students with security context for many of the activities they encounter throughout their everyday use of computers and the Internet.  As a result, the topics and objectives of the corresponding modules are designed specifically to meet this object and presented in a tangible format for students of all backgrounds to learn.
Information and the teaching materials can be found at www.security-literacy.org

Lab environment to support the literacy project (8-5-15)
We will develop three different types of lab assignments to support teaching security literacy.

  1. Research based labs where students will be given a topic or problem and will need to research the solution. These labs will not involve the use of the hackerville environment.
  2. Hands-on demo based labs where the teacher can walk through the lab in class to demonstrate a topic. These labs may utilize the hackerville environment.
  3. Hands-on students engaged labs where the students will computing resources to perform the lab. These labs can be done in formal lab setting (in-class) or done as an assignment to be done outside class. These labs may utilize the hackerville environment.

Each assignment will follow a standard template and will have learning outcomes, some labs may have multiple levels based on the intended audience.   The assignments will be cataloged based on topic and will be stored on the hackerville.org web site.   Modules, cyber-toons, and curriculum will reference the assignment that is most appropriate.